Inspire Board of Directors
Debra Celovsky (Secretary & Anthology)Debra Celovsky has served with her husband, Sam, in pastoral ministry most of her adult life. Her devotionals and articles have appeared in a number of publications. She enjoys compiling and editing (along with her volunteer team) the work of Inspire members who submit to the annual Anthology, and seeing their pleasure when their efforts are published. Debra is partial to The One Year Bible, her grandchildren, and good conversation. She blogs at |
S.E. (Sarah) Clancy (Finance)An adrenaline junkie, Sarah has skydived, worked as a 9-1-1 dispatcher, and raised two daughters with her husband of over 25 years in Northern California. A bit of a sci-fi nerd, geek, and self-proclaimed dork, there isn’t much she won’t try at least once . . . unless it involves mayonnaise, because that stuff is just gross. |
Don Towle (Chaplain) |
Janelle Roselli (Social Media/PR)Janelle is a collector of stories, reading and writing them but mostly listening to the stories of others. She believes in the One Great Author of it all and seeks to reflect His love in all she creates. Janelle writes YA Fantasy, exploring the themes of life after death and undeserved redemption. |
Damon J. Gray (Communications)Damon is a speaker, teacher, theologian, author, blogger, former pastor, and founder of Long-View Living Ministries where he calls men and women to embrace Long-View Living in a short-view world. Damon resides in the northernmost reaches of Washington from where he manages Inspire’s newsletter and other communications. |
Susan Sage (Critique Groups)Susan is a word-lover, mentor, blogger, speaker, and teacher who uses every opportunity possible to encourage someone else’s heart. She is especially passionate about nurturing women to connect deeply with God. Susan plugs members into writing groups and supports the critique group facilitators. |
Dina Preuss (Membership)Dina loves writing freelance assignments of all types that draw on personal knowledge from her Jewish heritage. She lives with her husband, Ed, and their rambunctious puppy, Boot in their empty nest in Northern California, where she’s Grandma to ten Little’s. |
Daniel Tweddell (President, Blog)“Your God-given wisdom and expertise as writers is what has made Inspire’s blog world-renowned,” says Daniel. He grew up as a missionary’s kid in the Bornean and Philippine jungle with wildlife and “ex”-headhunters firing his imagination. Now Daniel writes white-knuckle stories about magic woven with truths from his life’s journey, and blogs about the power of God in real-life.. |