Adam’s Garden

Adam’s Garden
Author: Dana Sudboro
Genres: Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Sierra Delta Press
Publication Year: 2012
Length: 176 pages

A sweet romance

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About the Book

Day by day, from under a cork oak, Laurel Teyman dreams of teaching literature, finding a man who understands her poetic soul, and escaping her sister’s charity. A few steps away, beyond a locked gate, an eight-year-old girl dances and sings in a garden paradise Laurel longs to explore. One day she finds it open with a note inviting her to tea…

This is Dana Sudboro’s second full-length Christian romance novel, and his fourth title overall. He is a retired missionary to Africa, who now teaches at a local Bible college and serves as Editor in Chief of Inspire Press.

Dana Sudboro

Dana Sudboro is a former Vice President of Inspire Christian Writers and critique group leader. He writes in his favorite reading genre, contemporary romance.

After his graduation from UC Berkeley, Dana married his college sweetheart, Kathy. Together they have two grown daughters and two grandchildren.

Dana and Kathy served as missionaries in Burkina Faso, West Africa for eighteen years. Now that they are back in the United States, Dana teaches Genesis and Cross-Cultural Ministry at Epic Bible College in Sacramento, California.

His zeal for writing romance stems from his passion for revealing the love of our Heavenly Bridegroom.

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